Out-gauge of Flat racks

There are three types of out-gauge conditions that can occur with flat racks:
① Over-height (OH)
② Over-width (OW)
③ Over-length (OL)

  • Over-height and Over-width
The freight rate for out-of-gauge (OOG) cargo includes a rate per TEU of VOID space, and the out-gauge for calculating this VOID space is determined and calculated by the carrier.

As it's not feasible to determine in advance whether the cargo or lashing materials will protrude from the container before the cargo is loaded onto the flat rack and lashing is carried out, carriers estimate freight rates based on out-gauge criteria. (due to potential changes in the final packing size, uneven positioning of cargo on flat racks, protrusion of lashing materials, and the installation of floor dunnage, among other factors)

Please refer to the measurements in the table below, which are generally applied when quoting freight rates. Please note, however, that there might be slight variances in standards between carriers.

20’ Flat Rack

40’ Flat Rack


H > 220 cm

H > 190 cm


W > 230 cm

W > 230 cm

Out-gauge criteria of 20'flat rack container
[Out-gauge criteria of 20'FR]
(There might be slight variances in size between containers) 

Out-gauge criteria of 40'flat rack container
[Out-gauge criteria of 40'FR]
(There might be slight variances in size between containers) 

  • Over-length
If the length of the cargo exceeds 11.6 to 11.7 meters, the front and rear corner posts (end walls) of the 40' flat rack can be laid flat to create a flat bed, allowing for the cargo to be loaded.

When the corner posts are laid flat, the height of the cargo itself is considered out-of-gauge (OH), as no other containers can be stacked on top, resulting in VOID space.

If the length of the cargo exceeds 12,192 mm, over-length occurs both forward and backward. This presents significant loading restrictions on a container ship, making it challenging to find carriers and route services capable of shipping such cargo.

20’ Flat Rack

40’ Flat Rack


= Cargo height

= Cargo height


L > 6,058 mm

(Recommend switching to 40’FR)

L > 12,192 mm

Over-length criteria of 40'flat rack container
[Over-length criteria of 40'FR]
